Wise Woman Speak Out on Menopause
Responses to Questionaire
(800 women were polled, 80 answered - this is what they have to
I think herbs to help manage the early phases of menopause (peri) are important. I actually put my experiences and discoveries into an article at Ezinearticles.com because I thought my research, expierience/ experiments and results would be helpful. Based on comments and emails, I know the article is helpful and I think something similar would be great on your site.
Also, managing the hot flashes was difficult until I turned to homeopathics (I actually stopped using Vitex finally (something I had been taking for the peri portion) and it helped). I think this area would benefit other women, too. I like the ad I saw on the site for menopause bedding. I found Hanes organic cotton nightgowns to be the best as it allows my skin to breathe and cool with a slight absorbent benefit. Maybe more clothing (and other) options or suggestions for those night time visitors. I had a former student tell me she successfully used Aloe Vera flower essence for her hot flashes.
My early menopause symptoms showed up right around the time I had a spontaneous Kundalini activation in 1996. I was so comforted to find Susun's article/comments (I forget which now, it's been so long since I read it) at the time about Kundalini and menopause since I had already had some similar thoughts. I think emphasizing the spiritual transformation aspects of this process is critical to maintaining and even enhacing women's health. It seems the culture is almost exclusively interested in women as breeding machines rather than viewing our physical reproductive capabilities as a temporary asset, to be traded in further down the road for a boost in personal power and creative avenues. In this vein, maybe an area about what creative outlets women discovered during/after cessation of their menses, and maybe those activities/mediums they used to help process their changing internal panoramas.
I personally find myself exploring a new career that requires a few years of school. My process has allowed/encouraged me to shed false identities and unleash those repressed power aspects of myself -- I've decided to attempt a legal career as an attorney -- that's law school at nearly 49 years of age! Only the mind-altering freedom of menopause could give me courage to even contemplate such a step [uproarious laughter].
Thanks. Hopefully some of this is useful information.
What I
would like to see on a sight is the transformational process of menopause,
the incredible shift to becoming a crone and being a woman of wisdom.
There was a woman who had undergone chemotherapy and said that she
went from "perimenopause" to full blown menopause after
her treatment. I told her that the more severe the symptoms of menopause
the healthy you are. The worried forlorn face she had turned into
one of knowing and power. That is what I would like to see. You know,
wise woman tradition and the simple ways we can nourish
ourselves, yogurt, nettle, oat straw etc. etc. P.S. Oh and RAGE,
that has got to be one of the most important things about menopause
there is.......:-)
I'm premenopausal, so I'm not really well versed
in this area. I've got the menstrual stuff pretty much figured out
re: herbs, diet, etc. I would like some focus on preparation for menopause
so that there aren't so many nasties to deal with once one gets there.
The question that I get asked about most at my herb stand at the market
is - herbs
to use instead of Hormone Replacement Therapy, - if I sell wild
yam (I don't) and herbs to use for alleviating uncomfortable symptoms,
usually hot flashes and mood swings.
Some of Susan's
herbal remedies would really be helpful.
Well...I did menopause from about 1994 to 1996
with Susun's
purple book - What I liked was that, no matter what screwy symptom
showed up next, I could go to the book, find it, and say "Oh,
that's just menopause." Then I could eithr just see if it went
away or start with the most natural, least invasive remedies. For
sure I avoided a D&C that way and who-knows-what-else had I freaked
out and gone to the doctor about some of these things. In my experience,
the best guidance one can receive about menopause is to be helped
to see that, even if it takes a little effort, menopause
should be welcomed as a way to get "off the wheel" (of
hormones that may drive you to put the species before your soul) and
thus to achieve some peace, calm,
and dignity.
To be honest, I look to Susun
Weed for help when I need it. She's served me so well over the
last 18 years. Since I've just begun true menopausal symptoms in the
last three months, I guess you could say I've just begun the journey.
I am in awe of the wonder of my body now just as I was during pregnancy.
For now I am trying to listen to messages sent to me and learn my
lessons easier than I did in my childbearing years when I learned
most things kicking and screaming instead of allowing the flow to
carry me.
What I really want to know is when, if ever,
my memory
will return. My mind is my best attribute and my memory is crucial
to its survival, do I really have alzeimers? The other big question
I have about menopause is whether to take hormones or "live on
tofu and die" is there another option?
I am most concerned about osteoporosis,
and health of all reproductive organs without going on ERT.
Some of us would appreciate knowing how and
where we can find more natural hormone therapy for supplementation,
and then the
herbs to support that. I feel that I definitely want to supplement
with natural hormones---Im sick of hurting for the natural act of
making love, do not enjoy the itching, burning and thin
vaginal skin that wants to bleed, and do not want to have to constantly
be "fussing" with creams and salves and lubrications, but
guess what--- there is so very little about those of us who have
no oavaries to support and WANT supplimentation.
I'm basically interested in what Susun has
to say...she is my guru!
I am 42. I started having menopausal symptoms
several years ago. A friend recommended Menopausal
Years to me. It has become very well-worn in my home and has helped
me greatly. Recently, however, I have come to realize how in a rush
I was to be "menopausal", shut off as I've been all my life
to becoming pregnant and being a mother. Recently, you have helped
me, with your counsel, to regulate my cycles (with the use of red
clover infusion), and I am exploring the possibility of having a child.
So, what is important to me is to have your site remember and acknowledge
that we can be menopausal
and child-bearing. Both. That having menopausal symptoms early
does not put one out of one category and into the other overnight.
I would like to see your site emphasize the in-between period, the
time of transitioning when one isn't quite a crone, isn't quite a
virgin or mother, but is all of these and still unfolding.
I am now menopausal age, but was surgically
menopaused 20+ years ago. No one realized I was experiencing perimenopause
when I quit taking the pills (that gave me PMS), and we all thought
I was just going
I know way too many young ladies who are being
surgically attacked these days, (5 in their 20's!) due to endometriosis
usually. They need to know what to expect and that there are options
other than a lifetime of taking horse piss pills. The experience I
have had with them is that they only want to listen to the md-god.
Down the road, when they realize it ain't heaven he sent them to,
they will need some sane advice and information.
One thing I've found odd ...I've discussed
this with two friends who were also surgically menopaused years ago,
we are now experiencing some of the symptoms associated with meno.
ie: less body hair, tiredness, recurrence of 'flashing', etc. so maybe
this isn't hormonal, but age related? Menopause - It ain't nuthin'
to be scared of.... Just like adolescence, this too will pass.
My immediate thought is to include info/healing
for those of us in the "perimenopausal"
years. I'm 41 and am told that some of my mood and health issues
are from this time in my life. I've heard that some of the Omega 3
fatty acids will help, but haven't started a course of treatment yet.
When I want a solid, knowledgeable answer to
a question I want to get it from an expert. So, in short, my preference
for a menopausal
site is for q&a with Susun and other souls whose answers I
can rely on.
* Menopausal questions/concerns:
1- When does a woman become an "official crone"
after mensis start decreasing (1 year after blood flow stops? I'm
2- When do men usually enter "their"
menopause? My husband Frank is 57, and has already see the "Mid-Life
Crisis" come and go, but I feel he's menopausal on/off, almost
a type of depression,
where he seems so tired or out-of-touch with the here and now, and
not wanting to make eye contact, that I feel he's in his "menopausal"
phase - just look at how MENopause is spelled - I looked at plays
on words and words within words.
3- Add humor
into your website, esp. when discussing very difficult issues (i.e.
Should I start hormone replacement therapy, mindfully use herbals
instead, or with expert advise, use both menopausal helpers?, etc.).
4- If you can incorporate SIMPLE graphics or
photos/pictures (cartoon and real life) into explaining multi-layered
issues or dealing with difficult medical terms, please do so. Many
people, especially when biological age increases, visual acuity will
help the waining logical left-side brain processing, helping to link
the creative right-side brain with the former.
I am, I guess one says, 'peri-menopausal'; I
hope I qualify. ;) The single most important piece of knowledge needing
to be shared, IMHO, is that vitex,
chaste berry, can be used to shrink fibroids,
which in this country usually lead to hysterectomy once they begin
to bleed incessantly. During the peri-menopausal years, high levels
of hormones surging through the body result in the swelling of these
inocuous growths on the uterus. After menopause, once the hormonal
levels diminish in the system, fibroids disappear naturally.
I make a lovely miso soup using the 'tea'
of Corsica seaweed
which has been boiled for 5 min. and adding a tablespoon per cup of
miso. Sometimes I add cooked brown rice, toasted nori, tofu cubes,
chives, or fresh minced parsely. It's easy and effective, not to mention
What is important to me is healthy advice through
informative knowledge (someone who knows what their talking about).
I went into a site read all the information thoroughly and it sounded
good. The information was for cleansing
the liver and menopause plus using Chinese herbs. Really sounded
good. I've learned a lot since then. Now I can spot a bad site.
I really liked what you said about calcium and the perfect way to
maintain bone
health, that information just blew me away. Plus the weed
walks. Your Topics for information should be clear and easy to
understand. I know a lot of these sites are out to sell their products
and are trying to sucker people in. Your site seems very people friendly.
I enjoyed it thoroughly.
MORE OF: I have never met so many women that are suffering from menopause.
They are at a loss not knowing where to turn. When they go to their
doctor, he can't find anything wrong with them. We need more clear
and precise information on menopause. It's hard to believe that doctors
don't know more about menopause, other than just handing out pills
for the magic cure.
Many women are uninformed about other natural
alternatives that will help produce good working estrogen other
than what a doctor has to offer for estrogen therapy. You see advertized
on TV chemicals (drugs) that will help you overcome monopause, with
all kinds of side affects that are played down. Women really believe
that these products are safe and are the only alternatives available.
Put out more information on this subject.
I feel that learning more about what foods that will enhance your
diet during menopause and which foods will energize
you are very important. And what foods will make you feel depressed
and tired. Many women don't relized how foods really affect us. I
would like to see more information on this subject too. When I was
talking to a good friend of mind about how foods affect us mentally
and physically she thought I was crazy. She didn't believe me. A lot
of women are ignorant in this suject. Please help inform them.
More menopause recipes would also be great. More information on a
cleansing program. I've had a lot women asking me for a good program.
What I'm also looking for is sincerity and honesty, a site who cares
about truly helping women. Can you offer this?
I dislike sites that focus solely on jounaling
or traditional healthcare. My husband and I have been blindsided by
life and are in business for ourselves in addition to working for
other people. I dislike sites that focus on getting you to buy products
at the expense of using your own mind and heart to make decisions
for yourself.
I'm in the peri-menopausal years. However have
hair growing on my chin than most 16 year old boys!!!! Hehe. Would
like you to focus on the fact that this is not a disease or ailment
but a natural part of life! What is important to me? - Ease of negotiating
the site and no broken links and such, as far as on line sites. In
general up to date information-keeping us informed on the latest in
health care-and telling us what our doctors won't tell us.
As a 59 yr old crone hotflashing since my hysteroscopy
5 years ago for fibroid
tumors, I am looking for a quick , non estrogen, inexpensive treatment
to reduce the hotflashes.
I work full time, am short on energy and money and am tired
from lack of sleep from the flashes. I am a breast cancern survivor
with osteoporosis.
Life in the mind is divine, yet we need to be
in-line, on-line and on time to be with the divine in each of us.
Do the walk, yes, talk, and yes squalk for all. love and sisterhood
in the Pause that refreshes.
My experience with hot flashes during menopause
was wonderful. I would get a hot flash whenever I went to bed in the
winter and as soon as I felt the cold sheets the flash would
come on and heat up the bed to a toasty 100 degrees. I got warm fast
and thanked the menopause goddess. My partner liked it too!
Some of the issues I would like addressed are:
1. The actual PHYSICAL body change...exteriorly. I never had a stomach
and within a year, I have this huge stomach that has "drooped"
over my pelvic girdle...just like the Venus of Willendorf...what the
heck is that? Hair
leaving places and coming other places...just basic body changes
that make me wonder if this is "normal" or not. How do we
cope with our changing bodies---in a society that places so much emphasis
on youth and "stick-type" beauty?
2. A place where information is available for
our partners, husbands and children---about the things that are happening
to us so that they can understand the profundity of these changes
and how best they can support us and love us as we grow into this
phase of our life.
3. What supplements are best and for what symptoms?
What works for one woman may not work for another. A
simple guide through the avalanche of differing menopausal information
would be nice.
4. A way for us to network
in community with other women going through these changes.
What I'd look for in a menopausal website would
be basically the same info you offer in your books, but a condensed
version of it. For example, a list of common symptoms and what to
do about them. Or just some of your positive spins on what we're going
through rather than the negative there's-something-wrong-with-us attitudes
so prevalent out there. Some articles
to click on would be helpful and of course
info on how to get your books.
May I suggest information for women like myself,
who aren't menopausal, but are
"getting there". I would be interested to know what
I might do for myself to prepare for a healthy change of life.
I have found Susun's
menopause book a life/mind-saver for years...especially when what
I was experiencing seemed "too soon" to be menopause. And
whenever I've recommended and given the book to other women their
response has been one of recognition, relief, and gratitude. So the
book has been my main source of info.
As to what I find most interesting and challenging (and which I've
never seen addressed on a menopause website) has nothing to do with
the physical aspects of the process. It has to do with the
reevaluation that takes place (for some of us) of our lives, of
how we want to spend our time. I have experienced a lot of mourning...for
lost youth, beauty, and unfulfilled dreams. Coming through this mourning
process has in many ways changed
my life (a process still unfolding...no sense of "doneness"
yet). It is a tremendous gift, but one which comes with many challenges,
including many calls to change one's life that are upsetting to self
and others. Things are stirred up!
Included...maybe central...is looking at love, sex, and relationship.
As a woman in a monogamous relationship for 26 years, suddenly I have
been confronted with not less of an erotic life, but more. And as
people respond to the energy I seem to be swimming in, I have found
one of the great challenges of being 50 to be acknowledging (fearing?)
that the time may come when it is the last time: the last time a man
looks at me "that way", the last time someone new wants
me...that sort of thing. I have found this so fascinating, hard, sad,
happy, joyous, dizzying.
So, maybe on a website there could be room for stories or a
chat room (although, I've never participated in one and can't
say that I would) about life changes, women who reevaluated their
lives and acted, etc.
Thanks for the invite to give input about the
menopause site. Some things I am interested in are real information
about how the hormonal system works in the body and ways to nourish
this system. Alot of the information out there is focused on treating
symptoms as if they are disease.....and I am interested in nourishing
my system as I am perimenopausal and feel changes happening.
I also would like to be educated about the use of some of the poular
"treatments" ie progesterone products so that I can educate
others....I have heard Susun speak about this many times...yet would
love to have a place to further educate myself and to send others
for this important information. Specifically I would like more information
about the down side of popular approaches ie soy,
density, wild yam etc.
Also I am wanting information about staying connected to myself so
that I can trust when something is a miss and trust my intution....so
I see cultivating inution as a big part of what I am interested in.
wise woman ways...working with the steps of healing...working
with varous modalities and staying focused and centered.....and in
light of the cultural messages. Even though there are other sights
I am excited about this site as I know that offering a wise woman
perspective is not the norm and would be a wonderful resource.
Well i have your book i am 42 years and just
starting i would love to see more about hot
flashes at this age and more about early 40's and what women go
though and also about sex life and so on keep the good work i love
the book and can't wait for the new web site it well be very helpful
thank you again.
I would love to know which vitamins
will help with
hot flashes.
I would be interested in more info on fibroids.
I'm a late bloomer, even though I have celebrated
my 48th birthday 9/19. My periods are regular and I was recently tested
for my FSH level which resulted in a low percentage. Crazy enough,
my husband and I are going to try through the remaining of my 48th
year to conceive. The sites I have visited have been ones that I have
found through watching morning TV show guests that give their addresses.
Some are quite bewildering. I look for the ones that give strong advice,
can give alternative therapies and that are very empathetic to this
And, I do not like to see a lot of pop up ads-that is a complete turnoff.
Good luck in your endeavor and I look forward to your email announcing
its opening!
I am a 30 year old post-menopausal woman. I
have had "Premature Ovarian Failure" my entire life which
made my body start the metamorphosis into menopause at the ripe old
age of 12! There is not much natural help out there for women like
me. I struggle for the best answer to help my body now and to benefit
me 50 years from now. I know that we are a minority, but more and
more women are becoming prematurely
menopausal. I know from experience that it hits your body VERY
hard because it is not your time. I would appreciate something for
us younger women. This is my two cents worth of advice. I hope it
Sorry, I'm past menopause (63 years old). Wish
I could help. And ... I wish I'd known of Susun's books when I was
going thru it. It was a very exciting time of my
life and I recommend it for everywoman/man!
Hi! I'd love to be a part of this. I had my
hormone level checked some time ago because I was noticing changes
in my cycle which has always been regular, like clockwork! It showed
that I wasn't menopausal yet, but I feel I am starting the process.
I get hot flashes or what seems to me to be hot flashes. Sometimes
I breakout in sweat on my forehead. A business friend saw it one day
and made the comment that it was a hotflash!
I am only 44, but my first cousin was completely
finished with hers by the time she was 38 and she hasn't had a hysterectomy
either. I am interested in knowing what alternatives
there are to hormone replacement therapy. None of the women in my
family have ever had it and I'd like to go through it without if possible.
So I'd like to know more about the pros and cons. Thanks!
I just turned 55 (today actually), and am hopefully
getting to the end of my own menopause, but still always searching
for ways to keep healthy. I've browsed Susun's book (as well as many
others), talked with my cohorts, done a lot of research in the traditional
medical literature (given my profession!), and generally muddled my
way through. I also see a naturopath, who has helped not specifically
focusing on the menopause itself, but using various herbs and homeopathics
to tweak my body for other allergy conditions. After much research
and some experimentation with soy,
I opted to try the Vitex and have seen moderate and tolerable results
Yes, I am 55 ... A few thoughts about menopause.
Firstly... still.. most women know little about menopause. Women speak
of it a little more today then 5 or 6 years ago. Women need to feel
that they are not alone - there are others having similar experiences.
Pre-menopause, aside from having a child, I had little contact with
doctors - and knew relatively little about my body. When my body started
to change, I didn't know what to expect or what to do. there is so
much medical info about menopause and it is not easy, even in a major
city, to find someone to advise you - either they are urging HRT
immediately and when you say you don't want it - they note on their
reports 'REFUSES HRT' ... even the tone makes you feel as though you
are making a huge mistake.
book was the first real help I found. I did come across other
books but found they were too 'technical' and lacked the spiritual
side which your book embraces so beautifully. Personally, I'd like
to understand more about using herbs. I am eager to get the new
edition of Menopausal Years so that I can study it carefully.
It's hard to know how to mix and match herbs and suppliments - when
lots seems to be happening with my body I sometimes feel confused
about what to try first. (and about what is going on...) I guess I
really want someone to sit down with me, hold my metaphorical hand
and lead me along :-)
One more comment, the crone years really are
the wisdom years, I have found that I turn more and more to food for
my soul: writing, music, art,
jewelry, etc. that nurtures these aspects. There are probably many
events which promote spiritual
growth for women being held throughout the country.. more women
need to know about them - especially menopausal women...
For me an important subject would be erratic
periods, flooding, your moontime changing. The pause coming on. And
what herbs
are helpful for those things. Also, some info on other changing parts
of the body like thick lymph nodes right before bleeding. Things like
that, etc. The most important thing is knowing there are ways to get
the right information, in a timely fashion and with someone you trust.
and discussion.
I think it's great to include men. A male friend
of mine who is the same age, (51) called me the other day and asked
if I could give him advice on cleaning up his diet and his system,
so he won't feel so sluggish. I'm sure it's male menopause for him.
I would like to know what signs and symptoms to watch for in them
and good herbal helpers.
I think anything you write about menopause can
be, should be geared to action, an amazon-like approach to life and
living...all those attitudes that you want to see women embrace and
the absence of same, causes you to scream at them (us). THIS is a
time for a none-too-gentle poke in the shoulder. In my humble opinion...which
reminds me...all the women I've spoken to talk about rage,
and they, like me, often do not know what to do about it since we've
nurtured it so long. Maybe this is where your support for going afterwhat
one needs to comes in yet again.
I'd love to see an extensive bibliography,
humor, humor, humor,
a list of symptoms and the protocols such as used in BC/BH.
I have not seen the
new edition of the menopause book, but I did not buy the first
one because the information and style contained in Breast Cancer/Health
offers such a well-rounded wealth of infomation, and compared to that
book, felt I'd gotten the best end of the deal.
What I have found extremely interesting, is
the large number of women I've spoken to who do not use HRT.
They say they've read to much against HRT
to use it.
The things that I would like to see on the site
include a discussion
board, so women/men can share experiences, herbal formulas to
help throughout the various phases, and information/research on how
the various woman-positive cultures of the world view (including technical
information on how they handle the various *challenges* women face)
the crone phase of womanhood.
The physical aspects of menopause have not
concerned me as much as the emotional/mental changes. If I had known,
in advance, the extreme to which I "would not feel like myself"
I think I would have not have been as worried that I was losing
my mind.
information is very important to many of my friends. Advertisers are
really applying the pressure, now that the massive market of baby
boomers is entering the menopausal years. Many of my friends are tempted
to take the "easy way" out as they have been taught that
menopause is a condition, rather than a
natural, life experience.
I would love to see more information on
peri-menopause.....when you head towards actual menopause but
aren't there yet....I had no idea until about a year ago that this
even existed. What to expect leading up to the menopause and how you
can deal with it. (ie. I found out because I cannot take hormone therapy
due to breast cancer in the family that B vitamins offer a good alternative).
Congratulations on the new domain! A woman-centered
and herb-focused menopause
site will be a MOST WELCOME addition to what's out there. I know
that my friends and I have a variety of interests. Those that are
already in menopause complain about the hot flashes the most, along
with the other typical symptoms. I personally would like to see a
good discussion of the problems with HRT in dealing with this -- many
of my women friends just run to
HRT the instant it starts. I would love to have a site to send
them to with an herbal slant and good info.
But a lot of my 40-something friends and I
are perimenopausal, and we
feel somewhat unprepared for what is ahead. We are feeling things
like fatigue, foggy brains, roving aches and pains, mini-hot flashes,
etc. and we don't know if these symptoms are even hormonal or what
to expect next! So a
section on perimenopause for 40-something women would be really
appreciated.....with hints about what we can be doing NOW to ease
the journey later.
And I know you won't forget to have a section
on the
problems with SOY products! Can't wait to see the new site!
What I love is the opportunity to participate
in discussion
groups directly related to sites like yours - where I know the
chances of findng like minded and like spirited souls to communicate
with are just about %100 guaranteed. A link to a email list - for
those of us who want to learn from each other, as well as you.
Even though I am 42 I have been preparing my
body for this new adventure so hopefully it won't be too bad? I would
love to see info. on herbs for menopause and soy
as well, I plan to treat my menopause all naturally! Can't wait to
see the new site!
I would say the most important thing for me
is information on diet and exercise ideas as well as
helpful herbs. Knowing what
is normal and what what should make you run to an ER is the key,
along with the herbal and food possibilities for menopause. Again,
this is where your "messages" come in so beautifully, because
we need to listen to ourselves and intuit whether what we are experiencing
falls into the range of "normal" or not.
And, of course, one's changing identity within
the culture is such a big issue. For one, I advocate allowing the
honor of "crone" way, way before the climacteric which,
for many of us is a long, long way off. I know I can call myself whatever
I like, but at 52, and, even tangentally within this society, I am
like a 13 year old...neither here nor there, and with all the general
confusion about what's happening physicially and emotionally, and
experiencing job discrimination, and not ever, EVER being able to
relate to the AARP types who have known lifestyles and had philosophies
I can only imagine, I WANTA BE A CRONE...NOW! OK.
So that boils down to
a sense of belonging and sense of soul, and I understand that
nobody needs to give you permission, but...I need permission. I'm
ashamed to say I needed your permission, shall we call it encouragement?,
to listen to my body and trust it. Shall we call it reinforcement?
Whatever it's name, out here in da woild, I think we all need all
the good mothers we can get to say, OK, and that, I believe is one
of the gifts you give.
I'm 43 now and my period has been changing over
the past few years - it's hard to know what might be menopause, what
might be connected to problems I've had with fibroid
tumors and flooding, what might be associated with diabetes -
so I guess one topic I'd be interested in is how different illnesses
including diabetes, MS, fibromyalgia,
etc. would effect the menopause experience.
Also, I'd like to have some kind of perspecitive
for mothers moving through menopause as their daughters are moving
through puberty.
Links! I've loved the spiders web of information
of moving from topic to topic as I gather information.
I DO NOT like any "replacement" for
that time. It is normal and only a few herbs
to make it a little bit better (when needed) and the acceptance of
what it comes should solve problems......well, of course, this is
my opinion........:-)) There will surely be for a lot of women ........they
just don't know what's happening, what will come then, sex, hot, feelings.......a
mix of confusing things that certainly would drive a lot of women
crazy! People I know that are passing thru live very well with all
symptoms. Some take medicine, some not. But all I know, face it as
normal. I think that sex, being fat, and loss of youth in both, body
and mind would be the first search for a woman.....
The relation between seminal fluid and menopausing
is an important focus topic. Anecdotal evidence is a priority to me
when looking for information.
Most of the sites out there today are very clinical
and cold. We need a site that does not treat you like your life is
half over, instead, a site that helps us realize that we
have only just begun. Topics on how to deal with the frustration
and loss we think we have when we stop being able to bear children.
Hot Flashes are number one on my list, they
are very annoying and generally make you feel lousy. Mood
Swings are next in line, how to deal with this on a daily basis.
Also topics on hormones
that the doctor recommends, is there other things to take besides
processed medicines? I have talked with several ladies, and what they
really want is good up to date information, new ideas to deal with
all the above, and maybe a place where they can all gather and chat
and exchange their feelings.
I have not actually gone through a natual
menopause, mine was surgically forced...I had a hysterectomy
when I was 26. Maybe some good information for us who go through it
all at once, instead of gradually like it supposed to be naturally.
Thank you for allowing me to express my input
on menopause.I know you will be receiving a lot of email on this subject,
so I will try to keep this as breif as possible. My basic approach
is to just "go with the flow", and try to experience menopause
in as positive a light as I can. I have used no herbs, but have relied
on letting the experience happen, and trying to draw more into my
reflective self, when I felt the need. The
rages..mmmm..I've had my fair share (LOL) and again, felt they
were something I as a woman should experience..I never directed the
rage at anyone and my husband has learned to just let me ride them
out...although I'm sure he wandered if I was losing
my mind at times..
My biggest concern at this time is that I have
no sexual drive along with vaginal
dryness. I would be content to just ride this out, too, although
my husband says he kind of understands, of coarse he does not. We
have always had a very active sexual
life, and he misses it. Somehow the cuddeling and caressing just
doesn't cut it for him. So, I would like to see more information on
reactivating ones sexual drive.
Most important menopausal focus should be alternatives
to modern medicine, as always. Diet,
food preparation, emotional issues. Website should be easy to understand
not a lot of scientific talk unless it is explained. Information should
be accurate and current.
Men seem to be a bit confused about what to
do and what not to do. Some would like to help but feel that they
always end up doing or saying the wrong thing.
One of my biggest gripes with other sites
is that they tell you to take such and such herb or vitamin.
In either case they usually do not tell you how much, how often or
where to obtain the said herb. The complete info on where to find
what a person needs or how to make it ourselves would be great.
I am interested in finding out more about perimenopause
and the natural treatments for symptoms of night sweats, foggy brain,
incontinence, low sex drive, low energy, weight
gain, and extreme moodiness.
IVillage is a good site with informative articles,
but they lack the natural information that I need, and I have not
seen anything about low sex
drive on these sites. They tell what herbs and vitamins are good,
but do not list detailed formulas or doses. I do not trust buying
herbs at stores that are pre-capsuled.
How do you know if you are getting the real herb and not just fillers.
I prefer to grow my own and take them in the form of teas or tinctures,
or to get them from someone reputable.
Focus should be on depression, anxiety, moodiness,
weight gain, and low sex drive. For me its most important to find
reputable information and not just something repeated from a medical
book or physicial.